Sunday, November 2, 2008

No Excuses

Today sucked! First of all, I was enjoying my morning and working on teaching prep while thinking about the rest of the homework I must get done, and I did not want to work out. I ate a banana, finished my teaching prep work, changed and headed out the door. This was one of the hardest walks so far. I don't know if I was pushing myself harder than before or my body feels it's later than it is because of the time change or if the past three weeks are just catching up with me, but my body fought me the whole walk. I still did it. I completed my prescribed program. I feel a bit nauseated right now and need to cool down, but overall am glad I didn't skip it. I have not skipped any days so far and Roger told me he was proud of me and that made me feel so special and so loved. I am beginning to feel proud of myself as well. Well, no excuses!

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