Saturday, November 1, 2008

Celebretory Hangover

Since Thursday afternoon, I have consumed beer, buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing, french fries with cheese and bacon, pepperoni pizza, Halloween candy, more pizza, Indian food--including Naan, and finally, Claimjumper cake...UGH! So, in starting today's workout I was concerned that all that food was weighing me down, mentally if not physically. So, I knew I had to choose my music wisely. I needed something to lift me up and feel good about myself. I didn't have to think too hard, the Indigo Girls, of course. For 20 years (and 5 concerts) they have been lifting my spirits and making me both happy and contemplative. I cranked up Swamp Ophelia until it got to slow and switched to Rites of Passage. And, with a little help of fast forward, ended my walk on the most uplifting song--Joking! I finished my workout feeling cheerier than I imagined I would. Thanks Amy and Emily for making me feel good once again!

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