Monday, November 10, 2008

New Week

Monday starts the new week for us. Roger is off to a conference to judge a communication competition (I know sounds like I should be doing it, right?). He's making some good job connections, which is important. But, I started off walking listening to the Rolling Stones, always a favorite. The pounds keep coming off. It looks like over 6 in a week...YEAH! Of course, I wish it came off faster, but my clothes are almost falling off and I am feeling better all the time. I get very tired by the evening, but have been sleeping my 8 hours fairly hard and awaken feeling quite rested, which is a good feeling. I guess it is all coming together. By finishing this workout I am halfway through my 8 week program. Of course I won't stop after the 8 weeks, but it is nice to be halfway through the program and know I haven't missed any workouts. Pat myself on the back!

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