Saturday, November 22, 2008

Late, Really Late

I walked late today, around 3 p.m. I hate walking on Saturday afternoons. There are so many stupid people hanging around. They usually aren't awake earlier on weekend mornings, so I will have to try to get back to that. After my walk, Roger and I looked at houses in some of the towns where he is applying for work. I am quite excited to be in this stage of our life. Only 5 months left here. There are a lot of things I will miss, but I cannot wait for the adventure.

Back to the workout...I'm taking it easy for awhile until I am sure my lower back is healed. It feels great and I plan to try some ab/back workouts tomorrow or Monday to help strengthen those muscles. I'm still shrinking, which I love! It doesn't go too quickly, so I think it will stay off, and that is what is important. I'll never be skinny, and that's okay. Roger says he likes my curves, and so do I. I've learned a lot about my body in the past six weeks and am quite happy with the relationship I am working toward between me and my body. Joy comes from within and I am finding it in myself. And, the best part is that I can share that joy with Roger and that's what counts in life.

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