Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Out of My Funk

I've been down the past few days. Between school, an uncertain future and cloudy, rainy-snowy weather, I just had a difficult few days. Today is the second day of sunshine. I walked yesterday, but the cold weather made me walk to fast and lose my breath. Today, it is not as cold and I walked at a slightly slower but steady pace. I feel good. I enjoy turning on my Ipod and taking off. It is fun to see what is different in the neighborhood. I am looking forward to exploring new neighborhoods. I'm hoping we know where those neighborhoods will be. Fingers crossed.

I'm really committed to working out and eating better. It is tough with so much other stress to keep it up, but with Roger's assistance (he is both a great comfort and a great motivator), I'll do it. Hawaii in just 10 weeks...YIKES!!

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