Friday, March 6, 2009

Is It Spring? or Summer?

Two days ago I was walking in two pairs of sweatpants and several layers with a polar tech hat. Today, I word shorts, a t-shirt and a baseball cap. Talk about a change in weather...whew! I am really proud of myself this week. I have overcome some big barriers, both mentally and in eating. I have had no artificial sweeteners in 5 days, this includes Diet Coke. I have limited my caffeine to morning coffee (sometimes it sneaks into early afternoon). I have upped my fiber and vegetables (yes, vegetables) and have had NO fried food. I feel pretty good. I had a few headaches earlier in the week, but they seem to be easing up as well. The walking has been going really, really well. I feel stronger every day and a definite bonus is that I feel happier every day. I am planning to buy some new nail polish as a reward. With our limited budget, I can't get a professional pedicure, but I can do one at home. I think I'll get to that on Sunday after I have finished a full week of exercise and food control. Yeah, me!

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