Thursday, October 16, 2008


I've been bothered by stuff at school and have had a difficult time shrugging it off. I thought the walk would help, and it did some.

It is supposed to be HOT today, so we got up at 6:30 for the walk. Roger came with me. I haven't decided if that is good or not. I like his company, but he is not very animated until he has some coffee. He made it most of the way with me before heading home. I finished my last 5 minutes alone which was fine.

I find that I am a bit sore and quite tired, but not as draggy or drowsy as a few weeks ago. I realize I've only finished one out of eight weeks, but I'm going strong. I think I am a little faster than I was a week ago. Working out is good for my body inside as well. It helps move some things along when needed and I feel my lungs getting stronger each day. When I take the stairs at work, they don't seem so hard.

I am sure my school things will get worked out. Walking gives me the time to think and problem-solve, though.

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