Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Becoming the Runner

I am slowly becoming the runner. I ran almost half of my 3 miles yesterday at the gym. It may not seem like much to seasoned runners, but it means a lot to me. I am very proud of myself. I enjoy running. When I got pain in my side running yesterday, I was quite disappointed that I had to stop running. It was almost the end of my workout, but I had been so happy with my running and really wanted to run over half the time. Next time.

I don't listen to music when I run; I listen to my body. My breath, my heart, my muscles and my tendons. It works for me. My body tells me what I can do and when I must slow down or walk. My body doesn't lie to me. I fear that listening to music will distract me and I'll injure myself, and I do not want this.

I realize I should fail at this. I've never kept up any exercise program for very long. I don't have the body of a runner. I don't have the expensive bras or shorts. But, I am trying and I will keep trying. I'll continue to do my best.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Continuing to Train

I did the longer run/walk training session this morning. Roger accompanied me, which makes it so much easier for me to do continue working for some reason. I ran my farthest distance, which isn't all that far, but I am proud of myself. I never thought I would be a runner, but am liking it. The book "Running for Mortals" really helped to put it in perspective for me. I realize I don't have to be an elite athlete to be a runner, and I'm not alone. I like that.

Monday's are rest days, but I'll be back at it stronger than ever on Tuesday. Happy Sunday!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wicked 10k Training

I signed up for the Wicked 10k and have begun training. Training was somewhat derailed during our vacation, but I am back on track. I find that I feel stronger every day I walk or run and am optimistic about the end results. The end result being that I am stronger, leaner and more healthy. I'm not asking for a rail-thin body, just good health.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I walked and walked all over Louisville last week. It was terrific. I ate like crap, had too much beer, and managed to lose a pound! Yeah, me.

I did a power walk today. It has been awhile. It felt good. Back on track!

Monday, March 23, 2009

IPod Random

Walking today, I listened to my IPod on random. It was fun to hear such a different variety of music. I decided to only forward through Holiday songs. I heard music I didn't even know I had. I'm now listening to Weezer's "Buddy Holly Song." Great way to end the walk.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Stress+Sun+No Workout+Smoothie Lunch+Cheez-Its+Late Supper+2 Buffalo Wings+1 Nacho+1/2 Blue Cheeseburger+1 Cup of French Fries+1 Margarita=Hives, Poor Sleep, Upset Tummy and Hard Workout the Next Day!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Need a Break

So today I will closely watch my calories, walk around Ghent a little and rest my weary muscles. will be raining, so back to the gym for cardio and strength. Woohoo. I'll be back outside on Tuesday, hopefully.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Back Outside

I am so happy to be walking outside again. I hope I can continue working out in the great outdoors. I feel much happier about it. that's all for now.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Gym

It is rainy and cold so we headed to the gym today. We are members of the Norfolk Wellness Center, which is pretty nice (and pretty inexpensive). I got a good workout, but would rather be outside. It was nice that Roger went too. I like to workout with someone near. It is some motivation. It is hard to walk with Roger, but I like it when we walk together. I wish I had a buddy that walked at my pace, but I don't and likely won't find one for the 7 weeks I will still be here. I'll just keep plugging alone!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hot Today

Whew. I just finished my walk and am quite hot. This weather is messed up. I'm hoping for a few cooler days to work and work out before this heat stays. Ugh! I'm getting farther in the same amount of time. It is deceiving, because I see how far I've walked and realize I still have a long way to go. It is all good. I'm shedding water and fat. I'm almost 10 pounds lighter than I was 10 days ago. I can't ask for much more than that. I just have to keep it up. And I will.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Relief from Pain and Stress

Working out has helped to relieve my pain, my tendonitis pain anyway. I now have the good aches and soreness that comes with a well-done workout routine. I am quite proud of myself, actually, and that is a very good feeling.

The stress of writing a thesis, an unknown future and packing up this shithole apartment, has been getting to me. I've had a couple of very cranky days. But, I believe that because I am working out regularly, that stress is not as bad as it was. I am feeling more confident in my strength, and in my writing ability. I am amazed at this emergence. I've always lacked some self-confidence and it is nice to build it back up. I have always known that it comes from me, nobody can tell me great things and make me more confident, I have to find it myself. And I am, and it makes me joyful!

Back to work...lots to do.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hot Already

Whew! It was a hot walk today. There was a wind that helped cool me down, but I am sweating! I'll need a longer cool down before showering. It is supposed to cool back down tomorrow...and I am glad. I like a day or two of hot weather, but am not ready for full-blown summer. I hope it doesn't come until we leave in May.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Avoiding the Jehovah's Witnesses

My walk today was all about avoiding religious zealots trying to sell me their religion. The only thing I got from them is a coughing attack because one woman was wearing way too much perfume.

Otherwise it was wonderful walk. People were outside working or relaxing. Everyone was friendly with greeting on every block. I listened to the Indigo Girls for inspiration. I ended with The Airplane Song and thought of flying to Hawaii. Made me smile!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Is It Spring? or Summer?

Two days ago I was walking in two pairs of sweatpants and several layers with a polar tech hat. Today, I word shorts, a t-shirt and a baseball cap. Talk about a change in weather...whew! I am really proud of myself this week. I have overcome some big barriers, both mentally and in eating. I have had no artificial sweeteners in 5 days, this includes Diet Coke. I have limited my caffeine to morning coffee (sometimes it sneaks into early afternoon). I have upped my fiber and vegetables (yes, vegetables) and have had NO fried food. I feel pretty good. I had a few headaches earlier in the week, but they seem to be easing up as well. The walking has been going really, really well. I feel stronger every day and a definite bonus is that I feel happier every day. I am planning to buy some new nail polish as a reward. With our limited budget, I can't get a professional pedicure, but I can do one at home. I think I'll get to that on Sunday after I have finished a full week of exercise and food control. Yeah, me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Out of My Funk

I've been down the past few days. Between school, an uncertain future and cloudy, rainy-snowy weather, I just had a difficult few days. Today is the second day of sunshine. I walked yesterday, but the cold weather made me walk to fast and lose my breath. Today, it is not as cold and I walked at a slightly slower but steady pace. I feel good. I enjoy turning on my Ipod and taking off. It is fun to see what is different in the neighborhood. I am looking forward to exploring new neighborhoods. I'm hoping we know where those neighborhoods will be. Fingers crossed.

I'm really committed to working out and eating better. It is tough with so much other stress to keep it up, but with Roger's assistance (he is both a great comfort and a great motivator), I'll do it. Hawaii in just 10 weeks...YIKES!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hot and Cold

It is cold (at least for Norfolk) the 20s feels like 16, but I walked. I did my workout. When I stretched after, though, my legs hurt from being so cold. It was quite an experience. Luckily, I listen to my dad and wear a hat which keeps me toasty warm. I can feel the steam escape from the top of my head when I get inside and take my hat off. I haven't been sick in a long time (knock wood) and I believe, at least in part, it is because I wear a hat whenever it is cold. Also, being happy in life keeps sickness away, so I have that going for me.

Tomorrow is supposed to be colder. I think I'll wear two pairs of pants, but otherwise, I'm ready to go.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beautiful Day

On this beautiful sunny day, I laced up my shoes, put on a little Stones and headed for an hour long walk through the neighborhood...Wonderful!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cool Morning

It is a sunny, cool morning. It was a nice walk, except the wind from the river was pretty cold. It helped to clear my head. I'll just muddle it up throughout the day, but it's nice even for a short time.

Monday, February 16, 2009


My legs feel so cold today. It felt good to walk. We did a lot of walking and standing in DC on Saturday, but it is different to walk with a purpose. I feel good.

Food will be a problem for another week or so. I just can't worry about what I'm eating while doing all this intense work, but it is only a couple more weeks. Then, beach I come!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dancing in the Streets

Okay, not really dancing...and I was on the sidewalk not the actual street, but my walk constituted my only lengthy break from writing, so the music and the pause in writing put extra bounce in my steps. Felt really good.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Pain, Bad Pain

Each day, Roger asks me what kind of pain I have, good or bad. It sounds silly, but I have two kinds of pain; the bad pain from deep in my tendons that hurts just to be, and the good pain, the soreness from working out and the strain on my muscles. My abs hurt, but they feel like I've been laughing for hours, so I go with that. My armpits hurt, my thighs hurt, my calves hurt...all good hurt. My hip pain has receded and I hardly notice it. I haven't taken Aleve for 2 days and that helps. I realize I need to keep being active and the bad pain lessens, and the good pain will eventually lessen as well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Citizens of Colonial Place

Please, clean up your dog shit!! If you do, thank you, thank you...if you don' should be ashamed!

It is quite disgusting to be walking on the sidewalk and see smeary dog shit. Luckily, I look, or I would have smeared it more. I find the dog owners can be so rude. I know dog owners who would be mortified if they didn't clean up after their pooches...not these folks. UGH!!! I saw 3 people walking their big dogs with no bags for cleaning up poop. Disgusting!!!!!!!

On a nicer note, saw a few kitties in windows and a couple of girls playing on a porch. I smiled!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 Months to Maui

I don't have crazy expectations that I'll lose tons of weight in the next three months, but I would like to have some extra stamina while in Hawaii. We'll be hiking and snorkeling and walking and all sorts of things and I want to keep up and enjoy myself. I am motivated to ramp up my workouts. I've walked every day for quite a while, but want to be able to do lots and lots. With my schedule, I have the time, so it's time to take advantage of that and get on the ball. I will say this...burpees/squat thrusts were difficult in high school, but with 20+ years and 100 extra pounds...they fucking suck. I did almost 15 in a minute and am proud. Can't wait to improve upon that. Time to go old school...boot camp/high school gym conditioning style. I did 8 regular push-ups and another 15 on my knees, though. Feeling good and ready to go for more. I'm dripping in sweat and smiling...good combination!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gorgeous Day

On a gorgeous day like today, 75, sunny, could I stay inside working all day? I had a great walk along the water. I feel refreshed and ready for the week. Lovely weather.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Find it Funny

That all of the sudden, stiff and a little sore feels good. I am so happy to be increasing the length and the intensity of my workouts. Go me!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Paradox of Pain

I just finished a 60 minute walk. It is cool and sunny outside and perfect for walking. I returned, got some water and started feeling the pain. My tendonitis flares up after I exercise. It's degree of pain fluctuates, but there is always some. But, when I exercise consistently there is less pain. I just have to endure the short term pain long enough to make it to the consistent exercise and overall less pain.

Fucking body! Days like this, my sinuses hurt, my ankles and wrists hurt, my head aches and if I take meds for any of those, my stomach will hurt. I refuse to take hardcore pain medications, so I am stuck with the pain.

Oh, but the sunny day, the sight of a fat cat and the friendly neighbors sure do help!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Walk to Calm My Nerves

It did not work. I am more anxious than before. I am looking forward to later this afternoon when I can reeeeelllllllaaaaaaxxxxxxx.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I was quite tired about an hour ago and had the choice to either take a nap or go for a walk before getting ready to meet friends and head to a German, heavy beer and food, restaurant. And, yeah for me, I went for the walk. Now I can cool down and get ready for Der Bier Garden with the Schriders!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Not too cold

I walked; it was good.

No Sugar, No Problem

Yeah, right! I have decided to cut out not only sugar, but artificial sweeteners as well. Ugh. Watch out for me, I may be crabby.

It is cold today and I am getting ready to walk. Brrr. Of course it could be worse, I could be in North Dakota with several feet of snow and freezing cold winds!